Monday, August 25, 2008

1st day of DNC

i can't do anything in the evenings for the next two weeks...the Democratic National Convention is this week and the Republican National Convention is next week and i will be watching them BOTH via FOX NEWS...i will, of course, be occasionally flipping to CNN, but i will mostly be on FOX because they are just more entertaining...i have a very open mind so i basically argue with pretty much everything they say (except Bill Hemmer, i will never argue with him)...Caroline Kennedy is speaking now (daughter of JFK)'s really too bad that JFK, JR. was killed in a plane crash...he would have been a great president...i mean, who would you rather look at give the state of the union...McCain or JFK, JR.??? Since we are left with the choice of Obama, I am gonna have to go with him...hasn't the county had enough years of old white men leading us around? (no offense dad and uncles)... Chenny/Bush have been leading us for the last eight years and the only good thing we've gotten out of it is books entitled, "stupid Bush sayings." enough is enough...let's try something new...i'm really sorry Hillary Clinton didn't win...maybe Chelsea will run some day...i will say that IF McCain picks Romney it's pretty much over...Romney will look WONDERFUL on the ticket and he will pretty much help McCain win the presidency...which, to be honest, will be okay with me biased but i do believe i trust Romney to lead with honor and integrity...but it sure would be cool to have someone NEW leading our country...